How to enlarge the penis at home: how to enlarge the penis at home

Surgery is one of the fastest ways to increase the diameter of the penis. To thicken the shaft of the penis, minimally invasive surgeries such as hyaluronic acid injections or liposuction can be used. During surgery, a special gel or the patient's own lipid tissue is injected into the subcutaneous layers of the genital organs.

The introduction of synthetic materials under the skin in 5% of cases leads to complications, which leads to a violation of erectile function and skin necrosis of the penis.

The most effective is microsurgery, in which the surgeon transfers a portion of muscle tissue from another part of the body (stomach, gluteal muscles) to the penis. It should be understood that surgical intervention is not 100% guaranteed to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, before deciding to have a foreskin dilation, it is advisable to try more gentle methods of penis enlargement.

Almost all methods of penis enlargement cannot guarantee 100% results, except for plastic surgery. That is why so many men turn to this method of correction. However, surgery has some serious disadvantages such as long recovery time and high cost.

Doctors remind that a penis with a size of 10-14 cm allows to fully realize the reproductive function, while the other half feels sexual pleasure. Therefore, before enlarging the male genital area, you need to clearly understand whether it is worth doing or not.

For those of you who want to increase the size of the penis by just a few centimeters, it is not necessary to use all the methods of penis enlargement, you can choose one or several methods that are effective and suitable for the perfect size. his scene.

Surgical intervention is performed with the following indications:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • micropenis.

The second factor is extremely rare, but it is serious, because men lose function, so activity is a necessity, not a whim. This method of penis enlargement is divided into several stages. The first is diagnostic, which examines the whole body to check for contraindications and congenital abnormalities.

During surgery, the surgeon cuts tissue and pulls out the hidden part of the penis. The resulting space will be filled with fat cells, which will then stitch and secure the penis in place. The wound will then heal and the tissues will grow together, which will indicate the end of the healing process. In addition, an extender is used, which fixes the organ in the correct position - without it, a positive result cannot be obtained.

hyaluronic acid injection for penis enlargement

If necessary, the plastic surgeon can change the shape of the penis, which is very important in cases where there is a genetic pathology or the curvature is a consequence of the disease. For those who want to learn how to increase the thickness of the penis, this method is also very suitable. To do it, special injections are made, rectal muscle is implanted from the abdominal cavity, fatty tissue is injected, or a biocollagen matrix is implanted.

In some cases, sham should be performed using special implants made of artificial materials. This procedure is difficult and difficult to recover, but at the same time the appearance of the penis completely changes.

Surgery is a good way to change the shape of the penis, but it should only be used by those who really need it. Therefore, before having a male organ transplant through surgery, you need to consult with your doctor. Don't forget that side effects happen to a large number of patients, and this is not the result of medical error, sometimes tissues may not take root, the patient's anesthesia is not good, or an infection enters the wound. love. .

About anatomy

Before increasing the thickness of the penis, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms that contribute to the increase in the volume of tissues in the penis. If you do not resort to surgical operations, it will be possible to affect the parameters of the penis simply by artificially keeping large amounts of blood in potentially blood-filled tissues. These include the so-called cavernous bodies, located along the axis of the sex organs.

The cavernous body (cavernous body) is the structural unit of erectile tissue. They provide maximum blood circulation in the penis during sexual arousal. During erection, the corpus cavernosum has an elastic cylinder shape, which is felt on either side of the genitalia. Due to their swelling, a natural increase in the thickness of the penis is observed.

It is possible to contribute to the thickening of the penis simply by increasing the volume of microfibrils that permeate the entire erectile tissue. This can only be done in the case of artificially maintaining an erection for a long time. If you perform the procedure every day, then this will result in stretching of the tunica (ao dai), which contains rollers capable of filling with blood. Due to the release of more volume inside the tunic, the development of cavernous bodies will gradually occur.

Methods to thicken the penis

Increasing the thickness of the penis is a long process that requires a man to regularly perform physical therapy procedures and use massage techniques. To increase the circumference of the penis shaft, you can use special exercises, mechanical devices (simulators), or resort to plastic surgery. The most common methods for penis enlargement include:

  • jelqing;
  • Julia's Technique;
  • jam;
  • water pump;
  • minimally invasive surgery (lipofilling);
  • muscle tissue transplantation.

Before increasing the diameter of the genital trunk, it is advisable to consult a doctor. It should be understood that improper use of the simulator and massage techniques can lead to negative consequences, which can lead to a violation of erectile function.

Ointments, creams, gels

Local means of movement have recently become widely available, with their help you do not need to think about how to increase male muscle with grueling exercises or resort to surgery. art. A wide range of different creams and gels allows you to choose a product that is effective and safe, and in most cases - expensive does not mean quality.

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • increase the quality and duration of erection;
  • changes in the structure of the skin - it is more elastic and elastic;
  • increased libido;
  • tissues are better enriched with useful compounds.

In this case, the rules and features of the procedure are very important. These funds will not show any results if you do not supplement the procedure with a special massage, the main essence of which is to massage the ointment so that it penetrates the internal tissues of the penis. This lengthens the penis very well and increases blood circulation, thus improving male potency.

  • horse chestnut;
  • ginger root;
  • Japanese quince;
  • pectin;
  • mulberry;
  • leuzea;
  • morning glory;
  • amino acids and proteins.

How to enlarge the male penis quickly and correctly? Start with simple methods, with ointments. Creams and gels have a balanced content of useful ingredients, so the therapy is fast and effective.


Jelqing is a complex of stretching exercises designed to increase the circumference and length of the penis. One of the oldest techniques for penis enlargement is recommended for beginners, i. e. men who use only natural methods to increase penis size.

In order for the penis to really begin to increase, exercises must be performed according to certain rules:

  • lubricate the shaft of the penis with liniment or lubricant;
  • grasp the penis at the base with the thumb and forefinger (OK-grip);
  • gradually increase the grip, moving the ring from the fingers from the base to the tip of the penis;
  • when the penis reaches a semi-erect state, it begins to "push" blood from the base of the penis to the end;
  • in a process you have to complete at least 100 "passes", the duration of which is not more than 2-3 seconds.
Strong woman and man penis enlargement

You cannot elongate the penis in a state of 100% erection, because in the process of pushing blood along the shaft of the penis, rupture of the superficial capillaries can occur due to the creation of excessive pressure in the tissues.

Stretchers, nozzles and vacuum pumps

  • Everyone who is interested in the question of how to enlarge their own penis is probably already familiar with these devices. They have a completely different working principle, but they do one thing - resize.
  • A vacuum pump works by increasing the pressure in the vessel containing the male genitalia. This increases blood circulation and leads to vigorous growth. The method is combined with the performance of special exercises and massage. The procedure is short so you can do your daily activities and the results won't be long after.

The extender works on a different principle, the product is a product, its design allows you to lengthen the penis. First, it is fixed in the inguinal region and fixed the organ with a special clamp, increasing it.

Initially, this device was used to correct the shape of the penis, but over time many men began to note another positive property of the device - the increase in male "dignity". After that, active research began and after a while production was adjusted.

Any questions about how to enlarge the male penis with vacuum pumps and extenders, please contact a specialist at medical facilities.

If a man is interested in how to temporarily increase his dignity, the use of special attachments is something to consider. They do not significantly increase "economy", but only act as an extension cord. Just put the product on and fix, then apply intimate lubricant on it is enough and you can start having sex. Men's sensitivity is reduced, but their partners feel amazing pleasure.

The vacuum pump is a vacuum expansion device with which you can increase the diameter of the penis easily and quickly. The simulator includes a cylindrical plastic tank and a vacuum pump. In the classroom, the bulb is worn on the penis and pressed tightly against the pubic area. The air is then pumped out of it with the help of a pump.

a man is thinking about how to enlarge his penis

Penis enlargement is caused by increased blood flow to the penis by creating an area of low barometric pressure around it. An increase in blood pressure in the tissues leads to stretching of the microfibrils in the corpus cavernosum, as a result of which the penis increases in width by at least 1. 5-2 cm.

Vacuum pumps are often used to permanently correct the size of the penis just before sex. To achieve a permanent increase in penis size, you need to use the simulator regularly for six months.

Technique of using vacuum shrinking device:

  • insert the penile body straight into the hole of the cylinder;
  • press the pump nozzle firmly against the mu;
  • pump air out of the device using a mechanical pear or an electric pump;
  • after an erection occurs, lower the flask;
  • After 15-20 minutes, turn the return valve to let air into the cylinder and remove the pump.

The use of a breast pump for people with cardiovascular diseases is not advisable.

If you are lengthening your penis to increase its size, keep in mind that the duration of a procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. Stagnation of blood in the soft tissues can lead to darkening of the penis and the formation of mucus from the lymph fluid on its surface.

Julia's Technique

Julia's technique is a set of vascular exercises designed to stretch the cavernous bodies of the genitals. Before you enlarge your penis with extreme exercises, you should do jelqing alone for 2-3 months. Very often, beginners who ignore safety precautions will be injured by improperly performing the Julia technique.

To increase the volume of the genital organs, during self-massage, you need to perform the following exercise:

  • jelqing your penis in a semi-erect state;
  • With an OK grip, try to "transfuse" as much blood as possible into the cavernous bodies of the penis;
  • when the penis is completely filled with blood, try to push it to the glans;
  • having strengthened the grip on the middle of the trunk, stop for 20-30 seconds;
  • stretch the ring from the fingers by 1-2 cm and lie in this position again for half a minute;
  • When you reach the tip of the penis, loosen your grip and do some relaxing movements.
pain after penis enlargement

If you exercise every day for 10-15 minutes, within 3 months you can increase the circumference of the penis by at least 1-1. 5 cm. tissue damage or superficial capillary rupture.


Before the procedure, the organ must be warmed by applying a special warming cream. Then use the palm of your hand to grasp the penis, if it is lacking, add more. Squeeze firmly, but not until discomfort appears. Knead, translate from left to right, top to bottom or vice versa. Repeat for ten to fifteen minutes. An increase in size up to two centimeters will be complemented by an improvement in erection by increasing the amount of blood filling the corpus cavernosum.

Many people are trying to find an easy way to enlarge the penis, but there is no such method, because in any case it will take a lot of work to achieve a satisfactory result.

One of the well-established methods is massage. You can do it yourself at home or turn such maneuvers into foreplay by teaching your soul mate how to quickly enlarge his penis with this method. The procedure is performed daily. The first time should be dedicated to it no more than 15 minutes, and then this time increases. This should be done so that the structural elements of the penis get used to the high tension.

The massage is carried out using special means to moisturize the skin, preferably fat-free. The main essence of massage is to stretch the tissue, for this you should consider the method of penis lengthening. The leading position in this business is occupied by jelqing, the method is known all over the world for its effectiveness.

It is important to clarify that those who are trying to figure out how to enlarge the male genitalia should take into account the time taken, i. e. not the instant results. The first effect can be seen after 3 weeks of daily practice, and this is an excellent indicator.

You should properly prepare for the procedure, thoroughly wash the groin area and warm it up. For this, hot baths or compresses are used. And only then can you proceed with the procedure using one of the methods, having previously learned how to enlarge the penis - reviews can help in choosing.

The penis is a very sensitive organ and is often affected by negative factors. Of course, the effect of massage, in which force is applied, cannot pass without a trace, even if you know exactly how to increase penis size correctly and safely. During or after a while, the following side effects may occur:

  • the appearance of spots on the head;
  • discoloration of the head;
  • the appearance of veins.

Each of these manifestations has no pathological effects, does not require treatment and resolves on its own. And the last factor can even benefit a man, because the tendon structure of the penis has a positive effect on the pleasure achieved during sex. Thai penis massage is a success, but to do it, you need to go to a special salon or learn techniques on how to increase your own penis size.


The word "clamp" in translation from English means fixed or clamped. It is not difficult to guess that the essence of the clamping technique is to keep the blood inside the shaft of the penis for a long time. If manual therapy is performed at least 4-5 times a week, it is possible to increase the diameter of the penis by at least 1. 5 cm in just a few months.

It should be understood that the volume of the penis is increased by stretching the microscopic cells in the erectile tissue. To definitely increase the trunk size and consolidate the results obtained, the exercises will need to be performed for 2 months at least 5 times a week according to the following technique:

  • of jelqing, bringing the penis to the maximum state of erection and fixing an elastic band at its base;
  • take the bandage with an elastic or office elastic so that the bandage does not come loose;
  • fasten a metal clip at the base of the penis (it is better to buy a clamp with plastic wings for easy twisting);
  • After tightening the tissues of the penis, turn on the stopwatch and after exactly 1 minute, loosen the clamp to restore normal blood circulation in the penis.

Important! Do not tighten the clamp too tightly as this may damage blood vessels and soft tissues.

To increase the thickness of the penis, perform at least 3-4 approaches in one procedure. After 10-14 days, it is recommended to increase the duration of one approach to 2 minutes. An increase in the volume of the penis will become apparent after a few treatment sessions. However, experts do not recommend increasing the reach time beyond 5 minutes. Violation of blood circulation in the genital organs can lead to tissue necrosis and the development of erectile dysfunction.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies ranked first in popularity. Anyone who wants to know how to really enlarge the penis has more than once heard of the effectiveness of folk remedies.

This category includes products made from recipes from our ancestors. For their performance, they use only natural ingredients, so the possibility of complications is minimized if you follow the recommendations and dosage. Plants and oils are the main elements of traditional medicine - they contain a large number of useful substances. Decoctions, infusions, herbal teas and mixtures are prepared from them.

If you are wondering how to really enlarge your penis, first consider the following herbs:

  • musk;
  • sage;
  • garlic;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • ginger root;
  • hip rose and others.

Creams and ointments are prepared from these ingredients, so that they can act on the local disease.

Traditional medicine also includes non-traditional methods, such as the use of kerosene or balm "Zvezdochka". Their action is designed to increase blood circulation, as a result of which the corpuscles and skin of the penis increase, after which it increases on its own. However, before that, it is necessary to consider the old-fashioned way to enlarge the penis to minimize the possibility of complications and side effects.

It is possible to resize the male "dignity" - qualified professionals and satisfied men talk about this on various forums and resources. However, before using any of the above methods, you need to make sure that the problem of the small penis lies precisely in its physiology and not the glans.